Ghost Demon Pink
Olivia Kannagi - a fourteen-year-old perky goth who's a touch too sure of herself. Because she was mainly raised by her mother, who is a bounty hunter for the undead, she believes that she can handle the supernatural just fine. Demons are a touch more dangerous than the undead, though...
Pink - a demon with a deadly obsess of the color pink. She refuses to leave Olivia's side, for whatever reason, and as long as they are with her, they threaten Olivia's family and friends—especially those that Olivia doesn't seem to like.
Symin Jane - Olivia's best irl friend, Symin has a good head on her shoulders intellectually wise, but not so much mentally. She's quick to blow up, true, but she thinks her best friend chugging a demon along behind her is a good as reason to yell.
Leslie Jimenez - Olivia's stepmother, Leslie tries hard to connect with Olivia and be a bright, positive light in her life! Olivia has none of it however, and often bites back, with rather unruly insults she might say.
Dion Kannagi - Olivia's father, she's staying with him for a year while her mother does work overseas. Though they were excited to spend time together, Dion is very busy working as a translator and programmer for a video game company, so they don't see each other as much as they would like.
Arielle (are-EE-ell) - the class president of Symin's class, she's cute, perky, and tries to get things done right and on time! She can be a bit of a scaredy cat though...
Naomi - a girl who sits next to Symin in class, she grew up with racist ideals and constantly puts down people of color. Despite this and despite her butting heads with her a lot, she has a major crush on Olivia.